Dava Jondall honored with 2022-23 A+ Advisor Award at ALVSCE Awards Celebration

Nov. 30, 2023

Jondall was voted the A+ Advisor of the Year.

Picture of Dava being presented with award at the Awards Celebration

Dava being honored with award at the ALVSCE Awards Celebration.

We are thrilled to announce that Dava Jondall has won the 2022-23 A + Advisor Award during the Fall 2023 ALVSCE. What makes this achievement more remarkable is that it is bestowed upon her by the students themselves, amplifying the significance of her outstanding contributions. 

Dava Jondall's commitment to the students has been exemplary, and her unwavering dedication has earned her this well-deserved accolade. The A+ Advisor Award is a testament to her exceptional work and the positive impact she has made on the student community

Congratulations, Dava Jondall, for this well-earned recognition, and may your dedication continue to inspire and uplift the academic community!