Our department is home to and partners with state-of-the-art facilities for research, instruction and outreach.

Controlled Environment Agriculture Center (CEAC)
Located three miles north of the main University of Arizona campus, the Controlled Engironment Agriculture Center (CEAC) is home to research, teaching and outreach programming. Its faculty, staff and students focus on innovating technologies for the generation of food, bioenergy and bioproducts. The CEAC includes advanced technology greenhouses and growth chambers, as well as office, laboratory and teaching facilities.

Fabrication Shop & Laboratory
The Biosystems Engineering Fabrication Shop and Laboratory is fully equipped for research and educational prototype projects using materials like metals, woods, plastics and composites. Tools and resources include an arc welder, hydraulic and sheet metal shears, drill presses, and more. Assistance with both design and fabrication is also available.

Mars Lunar Greenhouse
Located at CEAC, the Mars Lunar Greenhouse (MLGH) is equipped as a Bioregenerative Life Support System (BLSS) through the design and construction of an innovative hydroponic plant growth chamber. It employs plants and crop production for food, air revitalization, water recycling and waste recycling for a crew of astronauts. It also aspires to develop practical, commercial-ready technology for use in controlled environment agriculture on Earth.

UAg Vertical Farm
Located at CEAC, the UAg Vertical Farm is a research, education and outreach facility developed for engineering and science-based research to address challenges and help advancing technology and crop production applications with indoor growing under artificial lighting, provide experiential learning opportunities for students, and educate and inform growers on indoor growing systems.

UAqua Farm
Located at CEAC, the UAqua Farm is a state-of-the-art aquaponics research, education and outreach facility, equipped for engineering- and science-based research to address challenges and help advance technology and crop production applications that combine aquaculture with hydroponics.